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开放大学的所有社区参与工作都基于传统大学使命的三个要素:研究, teaching and service. In research, 这可能导致教师生成出版物, professional report, invention, 专利或任何其他类型的输出,为社区提供证明价值. Teaching 包括实习和体验式学习机会, 以及通过公共活动向社区合作伙伴和校园内外的公众进行宣传, 工作坊及继续教育. Service includes volunteering, 为社区团体举办研讨会, 为社区机构提供咨询,并担任媒体专家. 有很多方法可以参与进来. 十大菠菜台子 [email protected].

简而言之,社区参与就是要在社区和校园中发挥作用. 已经参与社区活动? 我们希望收集你的故事,通过新闻和营销来支持和分享你在校园里的工作. 分享你的社区工作 with us.

分享你的社区工作Learn More例子和联系


>> What is community engagement at Oakland University? 简而言之,它是关于在社区和校园中发挥作用.

>> Community engagement at OU is a collaboration between an OU faculty, 学生或教职员, 作为社区合作伙伴,为每个参与其中的人带来积极的结果和互惠的利益.

>> The key to great community engagement is partnership and reciprocity between campus and communities.

>> Community partners are diverse. 它们有很多种类和尺寸. Nonprofit organizations, 学校和学区, corporations, 医疗组织, governmental entities, and many more.

>> All community engagement work at OU is based on the three elements of the traditional university mission: Research, teaching, and service.

>> In research 这可能导致教师生成出版物, professional report, invention, patent, 或者其他一些为社区提供证明价值的输出.

>> Teaching encompasses things like internships and experiential learning opportunities and outreach to community partners and the general public on and off campus with public events, workshops, 继续教育等等.

>> Service includes volunteering, 为社区团体举办研讨会, consulting for public, governmental, nonprofit, 以及其他社区机构, 作为媒体的专家,还有更多的机会.

>> There are so many ways to be involved in communities. 如果你仔细想想,你可能已经在做某种形式的社区参与了.

>> If not there are all kinds of ways to get involved.

>> No matter the form it takes or who the community partner is, OU和社区合作伙伴各自为共同的目标做出贡献,但可能获得不同的利益.

>> Community engagement can encompass all kinds of activities but it all comes back to one thing. 校园与社区携手合作,实现互利共赢.

>> If you would like to know more about community engagement at OU, 联系社区参与办公室.


Wilson Hall, Room 3000
371 Wilson Blvd.
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